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On 20 January 1915, the Express & Star carried a small article, as Mrs Round of 10 Cable Street, Monmore Green, had received a letter from her husband, who took part in the action off the Falkland Islands. He wrote:

We just managed to win by three goals to one. We met the German ships about nine o’clock on December 8th, and chased them till about 4.30. The battle last about a couple of hours. We had about six killed and one or two wounded, so we got off lightly. It was like hell aboard the German ships; I am told that arms and legs were scattered about everywhere. One shot cleared about 50 to 60 of the enemy.

I hope you and the kiddies are well. I gave one thought to you all when the action started. Then we had no time to think of anything but fight or go under, so we fought and they knew it.

Without a first name I have not been able to confirm further details about this man, so anybody knows any information I would love to hear it!